“Do You Speak Cinema” – a workshop for children at India International Centre(IIC), New Delhi – December 17th and 18th, 2016.

DUSC - Poster

An educational programme developed by Film Heritage Foundation that is designed to encourage participants to explore various facets of cinema from film history to technique to an appreciation of the unique grammar of this art form. Aimed at immersing children in the evolution of the magical world of cinema, transforming the experience from mere passive viewing to actively engaging with this art form and teaching them the language of the moving image. Organised in collaboration with Film Heritage Foundation and INTACH – Heritage and Communication Service

Workshop was conducted by Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, award-winning documentary filmmaker; and Irawati Harshe Mayadev, award-winning actor who has worked in several critically acclaimed films.

Workshop highlights:

Programme – Day I

10:00 to 11:15 – Magic Lantern to Chaplin

Participants will embark on a visual journey chronicling the birth of cinema from the magic lantern to Muybridge to the masters of the silent era like Edison, Melies, Dadasaheb Phalke and Chaplin

11:30 to 13:00 – Images Tell Stories Part I

Participants will be taught that visual images can be “read” like other texts introducing them to the difference between seeing and watching a moving image; evaluate the process of capturing reality in time and space continuum; an understanding of narrative structure and the role of sound, etc.

Programme – Day II

10:00 to 11:15 – Images Tell Stories Part II

11:30 to 12:30 – Save Our Cinema

This module will take participants through a brief overview of the history of Indian cinema and the urgent need to preserve our cinematic heritage.

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