An ode to celluloid

Janani K. of Deccan Chronicle writes about FPRWI 2017 and FHF’s efforts towards saving India’s cinematic heritage. Read full article here:

The internationalism of P.K. Nair, the celluloid man

Sight and Sound does a feature on PK Nair described as the ‘militantly eclectic’ film preservationist saved thousands of films, not just for India but for the whole world. As he explained in his one of his final interviews, his …  

The challenges of saving India’s cinematic heritage

Bishaldeb Halder’s piece in the Press Institute of India’s quarterly journal Vidura October – December 2016 issue on the challenges faced by Film Heritage Foundation in their endeavour to save India’s cinematic heritage.

25,000 artefacts in this archive on Indian Cinema

Nergish Sunavala’s piece in the Sunday Times of India about FHF’s growing archive of Indian cinema.   Read full article here:

Enter the reel world

Zahra Amiruddin of The Hindu writes about ‘Do You Speak Cinema.’ FHF’s workshops for children aimed at introducing them to the evolution of cinema and transforming the experience of cinema-watching from a mere passive experience to a more active one. …  

A 10-day masterclass in safeguarding our film legacy.

Bishaldeb Halder looks back at his experience of participating in the Film Preservation and Restoration Workshop India 2016.  The Film Preservation and Restoration Workshop, 2016 was an exhilarating experience for me. Having been a part of the organising team for …